
CourtMan is an application suite for managing a badminton club including courts, players, games, scoring, picking and more...

The suite is made up of three components that work together:

  • Cloud: Handles club events, sign-up for members and club information.
  • Windows: The main application that holds detailed information about players, registration, games, courts, finances and reporting.
  • Phone: An Android application that lets individules score matches, see games on courts and register with the Windows host app.


This page lets you login or register to the CourtMan Cloud application. You can learn more on the About page.

Once you sucessfully register you will have access to your club pages where you will be able to manage:

  • Basic club information.
  • Events such as court bookings.
  • Players who can be invited to the events.


Login to the CourtMan system if you have sucessfully registerd for membership.

Log In


You can register for membership here. You will need a valid email account so a registration link can be sent to you.

Registration will create a club for you to manage. Do not register if you want to manage an existing club, ask the current manager for an associate login account.
